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刚刚登陆校内网,发现我 们的神同学发了一 篇文章:沉痛悼念饭岛爱
一看饭岛爱,就是个日本名子,再加上我们的神同学的一些爱好,我初步判定:饭岛爱is a AVer.之后经google大叔认定之后,我猜测的么错。惋惜之情油然而生啊,这人世间又少了一位爱岗敬业的“艺人”啊!


Retweet@Kievj:ご冥福をお祈りします(飯島愛 死亡)http://tinyurl.com/747hef


驚いた! "おくやみ -飯島愛さんが死亡 テレビが速報流す(スポーツニッポン) Yahoo!ニュース" ( http://tinyurl.com/7a6uud )...


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    where have all the flowers gone?
    where the flowers gone?
    where have all the young girls gone?
    where did they all gone?
    where have all the young men gone?
    where the soldiers gone?
    where have all the graveyards gone?
    where have all they gone?


    Breast Cancer Treatment

    As women, especially American women, much of our femininity is centered on our breasts. No matter where you look, there are pictures, billboards, commercials, television shows, and movies with women with these beautiful breasts and ample cleavage. The thought of losing one or both breasts, to breast cancer, can be devastating for many of us. Sure, there's reconstruction, but will it ever really look the same again? Even if you have reconstruction, you'll never have sensation there again and, for many of us, that definitely affects our sexuality.

    I went through two separate mastectomies, for my breast cancer, despite the fact that I wanted them both done at the same time. Two different surgeons told me that wasn't necessary. They found out, later, that it was, as I had the same breast cancer in both breasts. Through these surgeries, I learned a few things about what to expect, and how to get up and running again, after a mastectomy for breast cancer.

    The first thing to realize is that, apart from the emotional aspect of such an operation, this is a simple surgery. The breast is composed, mostly, of fatty tissue and, of course, milk ducts and lobes. The removal of this breast tissue is way easier than operating on an organ, but carries much more emotional impact for most of us. Most surgeons will get as much of the breast tissue out as they can to help alleviate the chance of a recurrence of your breast cancer. You will typically wind up with a horizontal scar about four inches long. The scar may be red for quite a while but, ultimately, should fade to where you can hardly see it anymore.

    You want to be sure to take loose-fitting, button-down shirts (raiding your hubby's closet is helpful) with you, to the hospital, as you won't be able to raise your arms over your head for a while. You will also need a sports bra and I would highly recommend one that fastens in the front. They will put that on you after your surgery. Typically, you should be able to stay in the hospital for one night. If you're going to have lymph nodes removed, a small pillow, to slip under that arm, will help make you more comfortable. Check with your local American Cancer Society as they may have small pillows for you. An extra pillow to hold to your chest, if you need to cough, sneeze, or laugh, can help keep your incision from hurting.

    When you wake up, you will have a couple of drain tubes for each side you have done. These tubes are important as they allow the excess fluid, which your body will produce, to drain out. If you didn't have them, the fluid would have to be aspirated with a needle. The drains, even though they're no fun, are better than that. These drains will have to be emptied a couple of times a day and you will have to write down how much fluid you drain so the doctor will know when you've slowed down enough to remove them. You may not know where to put these drains under your clothing. I pinned mine up to the sports bra and that way, they didn't pull when I moved.

    When you get home, plan on having someone there to help you for the first few days. You won't be allowed to reach into your cabinets and definitely won't be able to clean house or pick up your children, if you have little ones. You'll be sent home with pain meds and definitely take them if you need them. Studies show that you will heal faster if you keep yourself out of pain, so don't be afraid to take them as prescribed.

    If you have a recliner, you might consider moving it into the bedroom as you won't be able to lie flat for a while. You'll need to sleep in a partial sitting position. If you don't have one, or don't have space for it in your bedroom, lots of pillows will work, too. That's what I used. Just be sure you have enough pillows to keep yourself comfortable propped up.

    If you would like someone who's been there before you to visit with, be sure to call your local American Cancer Society and ask for a Reach 2 Recovery volunteer. This is an American Cancer Society program where they try to match you with one of their volunteers who have as similar experience as you're facing. This woman will come visit you and will bring you all sorts of brochures and information on conventional treatment. She will also bring you a list of exercises you can start to do to regain your mobility and range of motion.

    This is VERY important. It hurts to stretch your arm up, after surgery, but if you haven't had reconstruction, and you don't start soon, you will lose that range of motion. I would recommend starting to gently, slowly reach your arm up … let your body be your guide … the day after your surgery. This is ONLY if you have not had reconstruction. If you have, let your plastic surgeon tell you when to start stretching. Push to where it hurts just a little, but do not push too far past that. Little by little, you'll find yourself able to stretch a little farther every couple of days.

    东京热-Tokyo Hot n0402-細川めぐ(ほそかわめぐ)

    三围:B82cm、 W57cm、 H83cm


    最新東京熱 Tokyo Hot n0402 細川めぐ 純真爐娘輪姦鬼插不淨汁


    You can follow me on twitter know more things!
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    刚才把这篇文章推荐到5季网上,根据郑昀的评论,有幸接触了玩聚网,并且体验了测试版社会化推荐(Social Recommendation,SR)的魅力!





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    Mesothelioma is a cancerous tumor

    "Mesothelioma" is the term used to describe a cancerous tumor that involves the mesothelial cells of an organ. Mesothelial cells are cells that form a protective lining over the lungs, heart and abdominal organs. The most common type of mesothelioma is pleural mesothelioma. The pleura is a thin membrane found between the lungs and the chest cavity. It provides a lubricated surface so that the lungs do not rub and chafe against the chest walls.What causes it?

    Virtually all cases of mesothelioma are related to inhaling of asbestos fibers. There are about 3,000 cases per year (mostly men over the age of 40) and there will be about 300,000 cases before 2030. Mesothelioma usually spreads rapidly through the mesothelial cells to the heart and abdominal organs. The life span is typically 24 months after diagnosis, but it depends on what stage the cancer is detected, the health of the patient and other factors.Although asbestos exposure causes mesothelioma, it has a latency period after exposure that could last 15 to 50 years. This means that someone who worked in a factory with asbestos 40 years ago could be developing mesothelioma now. Anyone who knows they were exposed to loose asbestos fibers should be tested regularly for mesothelioma.

    DiagnosisThe onset of mesothelioma is usually very slow. The first symptom is a constant pain in the chest. This pain is later accompanies by difficulty breathing due to an accumulation of fluid in the chest. Other symptoms include coughing, fever and weight loss. Mesothelioma can be diagnosed by your doctor with a chest CT-scan.

    Prognosis (the outcome)Mesothelioma advances in 4 stages:Stage I - the tumor is limited to the area of the lining of the lung and usually limited to only one side of the chest.Stage II - the tumor extends to other organs within the chest cavity, such as the heart or lymph nodes in the chest.Stage III - the tumor expands to the other side of the chest or it spreads into the abdominal organs. The lymph nodes outside the chest are affected.Stage IV -the cancer spreads to different parts of the body far outside the chest area (liver, brain, bone, etc...).

    Mesothelioma is an extremely deadly disease. The average survival time is about one year from date of diagnosis. About 20% of patients who find their cancer early and treat it aggressively will reach the five-year mark.



    生年月日 : 1985年04月11日
    出身地 : 東京都
    血型 : A型
    身高 : 167cm
    三围 : 胸围(87cm)、 腰(59cm)、臀围(89cm)
    爱好 : 料理、购物


    Tokyo Hot n0038 坂井美紀(さかいみき)
    Tokyo Hot n0037 桜沢雪乃(さくらざわゆきの)
    Tokyo Hot n0036 つばき摩耶(つばきまや)
    Tokyo Hot n0035 神崎麗(かんざきれい)
    Tokyo Hot n0034 宮崎リサ(みやざきりさ)
    Tokyo Hot n0033 桜田さくら(さくらださくら)
    Tokyo Hot n0032 小島エリカ(こじまえりか)
    Tokyo Hot n0031 宮崎リサ(みやざきりさ)
    Tokyo Hot n0030 小日向ひまり(こひなたひまり)
    Tokyo Hot n0029 小島えりか(こじまえりか)
    Tokyo Hot n0028 藤村あやか(ふじむらあやか)
    Tokyo Hot n0027 渋谷りな(上戸さや)
    Tokyo Hot n0026 中嶋佐奈(なかじまさな)
    Tokyo Hot n0025 野口かほ(のぐちかほ)
    Tokyo Hot n0024 相沢もも(あいざわもも)
    Tokyo Hot n0023 滝沢美鈴(たきざわみすず)
    Tokyo Hot n0022 渋谷りな(上戸さや)
    Tokyo Hot n0021 藤村あやか(ふじむらあやか)
    Tokyo Hot n0020 中嶋佐奈(なかじまさな)
    Tokyo Hot n0019 野口かほ(のぐちかほ)
    Tokyo Hot n0018 冴木ひかる(さえきひかる)
    Tokyo Hot n0017 滝沢美鈴(たきざわみすず)
    Tokyo Hot n0016 古川由摩(ふるかわゆま)
    Tokyo Hot n0015 叶麗美(かのうれいみ)
    Tokyo Hot n0014 古川由摩(ふるかわゆま)
    Tokyo Hot n0013 叶麗美(かのうれいみ)
    Tokyo Hot n0012 山口玲子(やまぐちれいこ)
    Tokyo Hot n0011 白鳥ゆき(しらとりゆき)
    Tokyo Hot n0010 山口玲子(やまぐちれいこ)
    Tokyo Hot n0009 吉川雪菜(よしかわゆきな)
    Tokyo Hot n0008 山田まり(やまだまり)
    Tokyo Hot n0007 吉川雪菜(よしかわゆきな)
    Tokyo Hot n0006 青木梨花(あおきりか)
    Tokyo Hot n0005 倉本舞(くらもとまい)
    Tokyo Hot n0004 白鳥ゆき(しらとりゆき)
    Tokyo Hot n0003 山田まり(やまだまり)
    Tokyo Hot n0002 青木梨花(あおきりか)
    Tokyo Hot n0001 倉本舞(くらもとまい)(发布完毕)







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    Tokyo Hot n0122 井上マヤ(いのうえまや)
    Tokyo Hot n0121 澤田由香里(さわだゆかり)
    Tokyo Hot n0120 藤井美砂子(ふじいみさこ)
    Tokyo Hot n0119 緑川茜(みどりかわあかね)
    Tokyo Hot n0118 加藤爛(かとうらん)
    Tokyo Hot n0117 松本真紀(まつもとまき)
    Tokyo Hot n0116 釈迦由美子(しゃかゆみこ)
    Tokyo Hot n0115 北上もも(きたがみもも)
    Tokyo Hot n0114 河合ここな(かわいここな)
    Tokyo Hot n0113 つばき摩耶(つばきまや)
    Tokyo Hot n0112 香菅みよ(かすがみよ)
    Tokyo Hot n0111 小林涼香(こばやしすずか)
    Tokyo Hot n0110 大久保亜衣(おおくぼあい)
    Tokyo Hot n0109 夏井瀬里奈(なついせりな)
    Tokyo Hot n0108 桐谷静香(きりやしずか)
    Tokyo Hot n0107 高宮沙織(たかみやさおり)
    Tokyo Hot n0106 志摩明日香(しまあすか)
    Tokyo Hot n0105 守永未明(もりながみめい)
    Tokyo Hot n0104 緑川茜(みどりかわあかね)
    Tokyo Hot n0103 天野真琴(あまのまこと)
    Tokyo Hot n0102 広田美紀(ひろたみき)
    Tokyo Hot n0101 桜井愛華(さくらいあいか)
    Tokyo Hot n0100 稲葉みさき(いなばみさき)
    Tokyo Hot n0099 真中ゆり(まなかゆり)
    Tokyo Hot n0098 京野あけみ(きょうのあけみ)
    Tokyo Hot n0097 諸岡ゆう(もろおかゆう)
    Tokyo Hot n0096 白鳥果歩(しらとりかほ)
    Tokyo Hot n0095 葉月かりん(はづきかりん)
    Tokyo Hot n0094 藤沢マリア(ふじさわまりあ)
    Tokyo Hot n0093 森宮美雪(もりみやみゆき)
    Tokyo Hot n0092 芹沢まゆら(せりざわまゆら)
    Tokyo Hot n0091 川奈ちなみ(かわなちなみ)
    Tokyo Hot n0090 鈴木悠里(すずきゆり)
    Tokyo Hot n0089 麻生めぐ(あそうめぐ)
    Tokyo Hot n0088 志摩明日香(しまあすか)
    Tokyo Hot n0087 朝比奈リカ(あさひなりか)
    Tokyo Hot n0086 青木美優(あおきみゆ)
    Tokyo Hot n0085 一色安奈(いっしきあんな)
    Tokyo Hot n0084 北原みなみ(きたはらみなみ)
    Tokyo Hot n0083 秋元純菜(あきもとじゅんな)
    Tokyo Hot n0082 水月ゆう(みづきゆう)
    Tokyo Hot n0081 加額理香(かがくりか)(未完……待续)