微软还真是不思进取.那个毫无亮点的ie8昨天凌晨发布了. 终于我还是没办法战胜我的好奇心第一时间download了。好吧开始安装。安装的进度条走得很慢。好不容易走到头了要重启。行那我就重启.还没等我看到桌面.又弹出了ie8的安装窗口。依旧很慢,我等啊等。终于装完了。又要重启.我哭.就这样我因为安装个浏览器让我第二次重启进入桌面.双击图标。我玩命的寻找和之前beta版的区别在哪里。除了多出一个邮件图标和版本号不一样之外根本就找不出任何区别. ...............
广东+澳门 Guangdong & Macau (14-19 Mar 2009)
广东+澳门 Guangdong & Macau(一):
广东+澳门 Guangdong & Macau(二):
广东+澳门 Guangdong & Macau(三):
广东+澳门 Guangdong & Macau(四):
广东+澳门 Guangdong & Macau(五):
广东+澳门 Guangdong & Macau(六):
東京熱 Tokyo Hot n0417
【Title】: Tokyo Hot n0417 Yuki 都會系 ポッチャリ
wide hole gang from仕juice Yuki Ogawa
【Performance Actress: Yuki Ogawa
】 【Publishing companies: Tokyo Hot
番号】 【Video: n0417
【Characteristics】 number: 9cfb1bf55930fa0ccd5fb3834b3b526481404e83
】 【Video format: AVI H264
】 【Player software: KM player
【Code】 there is code-free: no code / no amendments / No Mosaic
【Video Language: Japanese
【Number of files: video master file 1 (the rest picture + annex)
【Size】 Videos: 596MB
【Video time: 91 minutes
】 【Screen format: 4:3 Standard TV
Software】 【From: BitComet 1.09
Assessment 【】: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
【】 :2009 Issued official-02-24
【Production Time】 :2009-03-4
【Seed deadline: 3 ~ 5 days or 10 seeds to a species of irregular resow. Please help make species, thank you ...
wide hole gang from仕juice Yuki Ogawa
【Performance Actress: Yuki Ogawa
】 【Publishing companies: Tokyo Hot
番号】 【Video: n0417
【Characteristics】 number: 9cfb1bf55930fa0ccd5fb3834b3b526481404e83
】 【Video format: AVI H264
】 【Player software: KM player
【Code】 there is code-free: no code / no amendments / No Mosaic
【Video Language: Japanese
【Number of files: video master file 1 (the rest picture + annex)
【Size】 Videos: 596MB
【Video time: 91 minutes
】 【Screen format: 4:3 Standard TV
Software】 【From: BitComet 1.09
Assessment 【】: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
【】 :2009 Issued official-02-24
【Production Time】 :2009-03-4
【Seed deadline: 3 ~ 5 days or 10 seeds to a species of irregular resow. Please help make species, thank you ...
东京热 Tokyo Hot n0416 神崎亜里沙
English name: Arisa Kanzaki
Height: 167cm
Measurements: B86 (E). W58.H83
Boots size: 21.5Cm
Constellation: Scorpion Block
Birthplace: Tokyo
英文名字:Arisa Kanzaki
download 下载 Tokyo Hot N0409.torrent
東京熱-TOKYO HOT!Tokyo Hot n0409 小川由紀
【Title】: Tokyo Hot n0409 Yuki Ogawa Secretary of the United States and the foot-wide hole gang from仕juice Yuki Ogawa 美腳秘書全穴輪姦奉仕汁
【Performance Actress: Yuki Ogawa
】 【Publishing companies: Tokyo Hot
番号】 【Video: n0409
【Characteristics】 number: 9cfb1bf55930fa0ccd5fb3834b3b526481404e83
】 【Video format: AVI H264
】 【Player software: KM player
【Code】 there is code-free: no code / no amendments / No Mosaic
【Video Language: Japanese
【Number of files: video master file 1 (the rest picture + annex)
【Size】 Videos: 396MB
【Video time: 90 minutes
】 【Screen format: 4:3 Standard TV
Software】 【From: BitComet 1.09
Assessment 【】: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
【】 :2009 Issued official-02-24
【Production Time】 :2009-02-27
【Seed deadline: 3 ~ 5 days or 10 seeds to a species of irregular resow. Please help make species, thank you ...
【影片名称】:Tokyo Hot n0409 小川由紀 美脚秘書全穴輪姦奉仕汁 Yuki Ogawa
【出版厂商】:Tokyo Hot
【影片番号】: n0409
【影片格式】:AVI H264
【播放软件】:KM player
【有码无码】:无码/无修正/No Mosaic
【档案数目】:影片主档 1(其余为图片+附件)
【画面形式】:4:3 Standard TV
【上传软体】:BitComet 1.09
【评価】: ★★★★★
【カテゴリ】:都會系 ポッチャリ 中出し
东京热-Tokyo Hot n0415-峰さつき -Satsuki Mine
东京热-Tokyo Hot n0416 神崎亜里沙-Arisa Kanzaki
Ketone Kang trifles and mycotic vaginitis
Ketone Kang trifles, is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents.It has a strong role in suppression and killing of types of trichophyton diseases caused by skin fungi, yeast and other fungi,whether it is superficial mycoses, or deep fungal.On clinical Ketone Kang trifle is commonly used in treatment of diseases such as athlete’s foot, onychomycosis, fungus stomatitis, fungus pneumonia, mycotic vaginitis and body-wide fungal infections and so on.
Pay attention to the following several spots when it is used.
(1) Human body’s cell membrane contains the cholesterol,and has a certain degree of similarity with the composition of fungal cell membrane.Therefore some antifungal agents have a greater toxicity on human body cells.Su-workers, even though the toxicity is much lower than most other antifungal.But if the amount is oversized, time lasts long, also be easy to have the poisonous side effect.
(2) Regarding general infection,an adult takes 200 milligram one time every day, is compareed the security,and may take as so till to the symptoms disappears. To special infections, such as candida albicans vaginal disease, the daily amount need to be increased to 800 mg,divided to 2 times to take. However, medication should be especially careful of children,to the 1 ~ 4-year-old children, the daily capacity of 50 mg; 5 ~ 12 years of age is 100 mg daily.
(3) Suffering from acute and chronic liver disease, as well as those are allergic to this drug should be banned to use, pregnant women should be banned also.
(4) During the medication,liver function must be reviewed once at least every two weeks,once found liver is damaged, should immediately stop to take.
(5) This product can cause oral gastrointestinal discomfort, nausea, headache, etc., usually take between meals can reduce the symptoms.
(6) Because of easy recurrence of fungal disease, in the course of treatment fungal culture should be carried out to negative results on many occasions before stopping using in order to avoid futile.
This product should not through the blood-brain barrier, so should not be used to treat fungal meningitis.
Article source:http://www.bolady.com/Lady-Health/Women-Health/Ketone-Kang-trifles-and-mycotic-vaginiti.html
vist Our home:beautiful lady http://www.bolady.com/
Pay attention to the following several spots when it is used.
(1) Human body’s cell membrane contains the cholesterol,and has a certain degree of similarity with the composition of fungal cell membrane.Therefore some antifungal agents have a greater toxicity on human body cells.Su-workers, even though the toxicity is much lower than most other antifungal.But if the amount is oversized, time lasts long, also be easy to have the poisonous side effect.
(2) Regarding general infection,an adult takes 200 milligram one time every day, is compareed the security,and may take as so till to the symptoms disappears. To special infections, such as candida albicans vaginal disease, the daily amount need to be increased to 800 mg,divided to 2 times to take. However, medication should be especially careful of children,to the 1 ~ 4-year-old children, the daily capacity of 50 mg; 5 ~ 12 years of age is 100 mg daily.
(3) Suffering from acute and chronic liver disease, as well as those are allergic to this drug should be banned to use, pregnant women should be banned also.
(4) During the medication,liver function must be reviewed once at least every two weeks,once found liver is damaged, should immediately stop to take.
(5) This product can cause oral gastrointestinal discomfort, nausea, headache, etc., usually take between meals can reduce the symptoms.
(6) Because of easy recurrence of fungal disease, in the course of treatment fungal culture should be carried out to negative results on many occasions before stopping using in order to avoid futile.
This product should not through the blood-brain barrier, so should not be used to treat fungal meningitis.
Article source:http://www.bolady.com/Lady-Health/Women-Health/Ketone-Kang-trifles-and-mycotic-vaginiti.html
vist Our home:beautiful lady http://www.bolady.com/
Diseño de camisetas para BABYLON
Ya tenía estos dos trabajos olvidados, pero su buena noche me costó sacarlos. En un principio, se iban a hacer camisetas de 4 personajes españoles diferentes. Pero al final, por tema de tiempo y producción no cuajó. Una pena.
Parece una tontería, pero encajar todas las palabritas en la dirección de la piel, es un trabajo de mulo chinegro.
Por cierto, ya hay por lo menos un pantallazo en la web www.magazinebabylon.com . Mi primer trabajo para la web... con su pattern y todo. JEJEJE
Saludations a todos
5 tricks to make your Breast up up
A.Chest-type extension
Action 1: Inspiratory, hands palm crossing behind your head while two elbow extensor ping as far as possible.
Action 2: Breath, upper body as far as possible to the left tilt, stretching to the limit and then back to original position.
About completing the action both left and right 1 time is 1 group respectively, and each time makes 10 groups.
B.Style of raising the strong chest
Action 1: Inspiratory while elbows bending, cross the palm of your hands and stroke shoulders.
Action 2: Breath,raise your right elbow to the limit and then slowly back to initial position.
About completing the action both left and right 1 time is 1 group respectively, and each time makes 10 groups.
C.Perfection chest type
Action 1: Inspiratory, body upright, separate your feet as wide as shoulder,meanwhile make your hands a fist, elbow bent and chest after the elevation parallel.
Action 2: Breath,outstretch your hands slowly forward,concentrate the power in the chest, then slowly move back to the action 1, repeat 8-12 times.
D.To jack up natural-style
Action 1: Inspiratory and make your hands a fist,lift your arms evenly to the highth as shoulder opening towards left and right, elbows bent to 90 degrees.
Action 2: Breath,hands push hard to the middle till the elbow and palm fullly close together and relax slowly after stay still for 5 seconds, repeat 8-12 times.
E.Healthy chest and thin arm type
Action 1: Both hands outstretch forward, palms erectness.
Action 2: Take the shoulder as the central point, the way which the palm draws a circle leads the arms’ movement, draw a circle repeatedly 10 times, maintaining the natural breath.
Article source:http://www.bolady.com/Beautiful-Lady/Beauty/5-tricks-to-make-your-Breast-up-up.html
Action 1: Inspiratory, hands palm crossing behind your head while two elbow extensor ping as far as possible.
Action 2: Breath, upper body as far as possible to the left tilt, stretching to the limit and then back to original position.
About completing the action both left and right 1 time is 1 group respectively, and each time makes 10 groups.
B.Style of raising the strong chest
Action 1: Inspiratory while elbows bending, cross the palm of your hands and stroke shoulders.
Action 2: Breath,raise your right elbow to the limit and then slowly back to initial position.
About completing the action both left and right 1 time is 1 group respectively, and each time makes 10 groups.
C.Perfection chest type
Action 1: Inspiratory, body upright, separate your feet as wide as shoulder,meanwhile make your hands a fist, elbow bent and chest after the elevation parallel.
Action 2: Breath,outstretch your hands slowly forward,concentrate the power in the chest, then slowly move back to the action 1, repeat 8-12 times.
D.To jack up natural-style
Action 1: Inspiratory and make your hands a fist,lift your arms evenly to the highth as shoulder opening towards left and right, elbows bent to 90 degrees.
Action 2: Breath,hands push hard to the middle till the elbow and palm fullly close together and relax slowly after stay still for 5 seconds, repeat 8-12 times.
E.Healthy chest and thin arm type
Action 1: Both hands outstretch forward, palms erectness.
Action 2: Take the shoulder as the central point, the way which the palm draws a circle leads the arms’ movement, draw a circle repeatedly 10 times, maintaining the natural breath.
Article source:http://www.bolady.com/Beautiful-Lady/Beauty/5-tricks-to-make-your-Breast-up-up.html
Bueno, subo esto por no tener el blog tan abandonado.
Es una ilustración a doble página( para Babylon Magazine, por supuesto) mezcla de acrílicos y digital que hice este verano , que empecé con muchas ganas y acabé en muy malas condiciones. Al final, por suerte, todo salió bien. Aunque después de medio año ya, veo esta pieza y le sacó muchos fallos... Supongo que eso es bueno, porque quiere decir que algo voy mejorando, jejeje.
La maquetación final no es así, pero no tengo ningún ejemplo aquí.
Como siempre, solo espero que lo disfrutéis.
Hola chic@s!!!
Los entrenamientos de grupo de esta semana de fallas serán:
Lunes 16: 8h y 20h
Miércoles 18: 8h
Viernes 20: 8h
Nos vemos...y a entrenar!!!
Saludos y felices Fallas 2009!!!
Los entrenamientos de grupo de esta semana de fallas serán:
Lunes 16: 8h y 20h
Miércoles 18: 8h
Viernes 20: 8h
Nos vemos...y a entrenar!!!
Saludos y felices Fallas 2009!!!
En el año 1975, ante la creciente presión terrorista, se crea la especialidad de técnico en Desactivación de Explosivos (TEDAX), desplegándose ese mismo año los primeros cinco Equipos de Desactivación de Explosivos en Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, San Sebastián y Pamplona.
Al inicio de su andadura, este pionero servicio policial sólo contó para su trabajo con mucha ilusión, profesionalidad y un rudimentario material que pudo garantizar su eficacia por el añadido del valor personal del TEDAX.
La actividad terrorista en esa década fue muy frecuente en todo el territorio nacional, además de utilizar multitud de modalidades de artefactos explosivos, lo que hizo muy difícil y peligroso el arranque de esta especialidad. El esfuerzo y tenacidad de los primeros TEDAX, apremiados por la importante actividad terrorista, permitió avanzar con rapidez en el desarrollo de nuevas técnicas y materiales de desactivación, que en alguna ocasión fueron adoptados por otros países.
Desde el año 1975 los TEDAX-NRBQ de la Policía española han realizado más de TRESCIENTAS CINCUENTA MIL (350.000) actuaciones o intervenciones.
投稿 (Atom)