
Deep Thoughts By Adrianne Curry!

As if she's a beacon of morality!
Reality show-whoring, implant-baring, marijuana-crusading Adrianne Curry took to her Twitter to enlighten the world on her views of political happenings and social issues.
Why, God? Why?!?!
She Tweeted:
just thinking.my city doesnt allow us to own more than 3 cats&2dogs.so why can people like the duggers have 400 [...]


As if she's a beacon of morality!

Reality show-whoring, implant-baring, marijuana-crusading Adrianne Curry took to her Twitter to enlighten the world on her views of political happenings and social issues.

Why, God? Why?!?!

She Tweeted:

just thinking.my city doesnt allow us to own more than 3 cats&2dogs.so why can people like the duggers have 400 kids??about 16 hours ago from txt

IF abortion gets public funding,we r forcing those who dont believe in it2pay for it.if thats the case,i want coverage4my next tit jobabout 16 hours ago from txt

my views on abortion&healthcare r this-abortion is an elective thing,like plastic surgery.it should NOT b covered under healthcare.

spending a lot of my time right now blocking assholes who like to tear me apart for speaking my mind. Dont follow me then, you dillholes

What a way to prove your point!

Those are quite a few unnecessary blunt-induced tweets!

Smoke up!

P.S. CLICK HERE to "follow" Perez on Twitter!

[Image via WENN/FayesVision.]

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