
Really Bad Idea! Monopoly Movie Passes Go

Oh boy!
Please save you judgements until we get through everything. Then, feel free to rip it to shreds because this sounds AWFUL, even with Ridley Scott attached.
The geniuses over at Universal have decided to push forward with movie based off the popular Hasbro game Monopoly. Frank Beddor is the man behind bringing Uncle Pennybags to [...]


Oh boy!

Please save you judgements until we get through everything. Then, feel free to rip it to shreds because this sounds AWFUL, even with Ridley Scott attached.

The geniuses over at Universal have decided to push forward with movie based off the popular Hasbro game Monopoly. Frank Beddor is the man behind bringing Uncle Pennybags to life in the screenplay and he recently sat down to explain exactly how the movie is going to pan out. He wants us to keep an open mind and consider breakout hits like Pirates of The Caribbean before formulating an opinion.

Get ready to move your thimble passed Mediterranean Ave. Here's what Frank has in store for us:

"I created a comedic, lovable loser who lives in Manhattan and works at a real estate company and he’s not very good at his job but he’s great at playing Monopoly. And the world record for playing is 70 straight days – over 1,600 hours – and he wanted to try to convince his friends to help him break that world record. They think he is crazy. They kid him about this girl and they're playing the game and there’s this big fight. And he’s holding a Chance card and after they’ve left he says, ‘Damn, I wanted to use that Chance card,’ and he throws it down. He falls asleep and then he wakes up in the morning and he’s holding the Chance card, and he thinks, ‘That’s odd.’"

No, thats predictable. Let's see what riveting turn the story takes next:

"He’s all groggy and he goes down to buy some coffee and he reaches into his pocket and all he has is Monopoly money. All this Monopoly money pours out. He’s confused and embarrassed and the girl reaches across the counter and says, ‘That’s OK.’ And she gives him change in Monopoly money. He walks outside and he’s in this very vibrant place, Monopoly City, and he’s just come out of a Chance Shop. As it goes on, he takes on the evil Parker Brothers in the game of Monolopy. He has to defeat them. It tries to incorporate all the iconic imageries — a sports car pulls up, there's someone on a horse, someone pushing a wheelbarrow — and rich Uncle Pennybags, you're going to see him as the maître d' at the restaurant and he's the buggy driver and the local eccentric and the doorman at the opera. There's all these sight gags."

Do we even have to say it? Alright,we will:


Universal, if you are looking to throw away money, send some more of it to Jay Leno. We endorse that more than we can get behind THIS!

And Ridley Scott? Really? You choose THIS as your next project? You made Gladiator for crying out loud?!

We think it's time to walk away from this project immediately. Pretend it's like the actual game - no one ever finishes a whole game! Let's place the same principle here.

Do any of U have any interest in this?

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