In the aftermath of Adam Lambert's AMA performance, Disney/ABC Television Group wants to make sure that they never face this sort of controversy again.
So, in order for them to put the kabosh on boys getting frisky with each other, company president Anne Sweeney is taking steps to ensure that artists are contractually obligated to have [...]
In the aftermath of Adam Lambert's AMA performance, Disney/ABC Television Group wants to make sure that they never face this sort of controversy again.
So, in order for them to put the kabosh on boys getting frisky with each other, company president Anne Sweeney is taking steps to ensure that artists are contractually obligated to have their live performances match their rehearsals.
"We certainly don't want to suppress artistry at any level, but we also have to be very cognizant of who our audience is," said Sweeney.
That's what all the homophobes say!!!
[Image via WENN.]
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