Well, this tidbit is going to drive the aspiring actors out of their minds!
Director Jerry Bruckheimerfound one of the stars for the upcoming Prince of Persia on Facebook!
“In the opening there’s a young man who portrays Jake Gyllenhaal as a young boy, and he was a Parkour expert. And he’s ten years old. It’s amazing. [...]
Well, this tidbit is going to drive the aspiring actors out of their minds!
Director Jerry Bruckheimerfound one of the stars for the upcoming Prince of Persia on Facebook!
“In the opening there’s a young man who portrays Jake Gyllenhaal as a young boy, and he was a Parkour expert. And he’s ten years old. It’s amazing. Absolutely amazing," Bruckheimer told reporters.
And of course, they found the talented kid on the social networking site!
"They sent us online, like Facebook, things of these kids and this kid was extraordinary so we hired him," Jerry said.
Lucky break!
[Image via WENN.]
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