
A Worthwhile Cause

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"Alliance Hollywood is a DC non-profit corporation, whose purpose is to utilize the entertainment industry to 'clean lobby' and promote issues to government leaders and its representatives in order to heighten awareness and furtherance of those issues.
What is Clean Lobbying? Clean Lobbying is [...]


CLICK HERE to read up on and donate to a very worthwhile cause!

"Alliance Hollywood is a DC non-profit corporation, whose purpose is to utilize the entertainment industry to 'clean lobby' and promote issues to government leaders and its representatives in order to heighten awareness and furtherance of those issues.

What is Clean Lobbying? Clean Lobbying is a new concept on Capitol Hill, as politicians have been participating in dirty politics for years. Often associated with corruption and bribery, even the founding fathers warned of lobbying with special interest groups. Did you know that at least $2 billion is spent per year by lobbyists in influencing our Congressional races? That does not even include state lobbyists and/or presidential campaigns.

The oil industry, the health care companies, the insurance industry and the auto industry have influenced the direction of American politics over the last 50 years. Lobbying has wedged its way into any potential progress in American socio-economic reform. With big money being spent by lobbyists on campaigns, it’s no wonder why politicians vote in favor of their interests.

Times have changed, though. As corporations are falling apart, America is in need of responsive leaders and we can no longer afford to give the major corporations an easy way to the bank. "

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