
Gary Coleman Wants Nude Scene Cut!

We hope he succeeds for the sake of our eyes!
Gary Coleman is getting the help of a lawyer to take on the producers of his latest movie Midgets vs. Mascots.
Gary portrayed a porn mogul in the film and flashed his peen on screen which he immediately regretted, demanding the scene be cut from [...]


We hope he succeeds for the sake of our eyes!

Gary Coleman is getting the help of a lawyer to take on the producers of his latest movie Midgets vs. Mascots.

Gary portrayed a porn mogul in the film and flashed his peen on screen which he immediately regretted, demanding the scene be cut from the finished product.

That's not the way it's gone down though with execs leaving Gary's thang in the final cut. Gary says:

"They didn't take my penis out of the movie — I'm not very happy about that. It's definitely stressing me out. I gotta go get a lawyer now."

We can't imagine them willingly taking the scene out of the movie as we're sure more people will actually see it out of sheer curiosity about what Coleman is packing!

But with Gary protesting so much we can't imagine it's very much…

Different strokes for different folks!

[Image via WENN.]

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