
White House Might Bump Lost Off The Island

President Obama faces a tough call:
Does he piss off people by scheduling his State of The Union address on the night American Idol starts or the night the final season of Lost premieres?
While attempting to finalize plans & move forward with this year's address, the White House has hit a pop culture roadblock. The two [...]


President Obama faces a tough call:

Does he piss off people by scheduling his State of The Union address on the night American Idol starts or the night the final season of Lost premieres?

While attempting to finalize plans & move forward with this year's address, the White House has hit a pop culture roadblock. The two available dates for the broadcast are Jan. 26 and Feb. 2. As we mentioned, both night are already big for TV, but how we hear it, everyone is leaning more towards stalling the Lost fanatics rather than fight with Simon Cowell.

But fans want their smoke monsters and what have you, so they won't be giving in without a fight. Already on Twitter, people are posting the hashtag #NoStateofUnionFeb2 in protest.

There's just no pleasing everyone, huh Barack?

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