It has begun!
As we've reported, Constance McMillen is the Mississippi teenager who has been fighting for her right to bring her girlfriend as a date to her high school's prom. She has made national headlines for her bravery and grace during a very public ordeal, and is now testifying in a US district court [...]
It has begun!
As we've reported, Constance McMillen is the Mississippi teenager who has been fighting for her right to bring her girlfriend as a date to her high school's prom. She has made national headlines for her bravery and grace during a very public ordeal, and is now testifying in a US district court case against her school district!!
Of course, NOW the school officials are claiming they thought about canceling the prom even BEFORE Constance came forward with her request!
In the proceedings yesterday, Superintendent Teresa McNeece testified that they were concerned about the use of drugs or alcohol at a school-sponsored prom, so they were hesitant to hold the event from the getgo.
YEAH RIGHT! Like possible drug and alcohol use has ever stopped most high schools from throwing proms before??
She also attempts to blame McMillen for causing massive disruptions with her request.
"We were being hounded every day. Our students were being hounded. We were having a tough time of any bell-to-bell instruction."
Of course, during her cross-examination, apparently McNeece could not give any specific as to what those disruptions were. We're guessing because there WERE NONE.
The American Civil Liberties Union, who represent Constance and are behind the lawsuit, claimed in court that the school district has violated the teen's First Amendment right and claim that the outpour of resentment and anger was only AFTER the school cancelled prom, not while Constance made her request.
McMillen claims that the day prom was cancelled she had to leave school because the backlash from her peers was so intense:
"There were so many dirty looks. A lot of people didn't like me very much."
Poor thing!
US District Judge Glen H. Davidson has not specified when he will make his final ruling on the matter.
In the meantime, parents have reportedly been organizing a prom for the students, but Constance claims she has not been told about it!
Nice! What a great example to set for your kids, folks!
Luckily, the ACLU is organizing its own prom on May 8th that is open for everyone but specifically geared toward other gay students!
Good! Everyone deserves a High School prom!
Your courage has truly touched us, Constance!! Keep that head held high, you're in our thoughts!!
[Image via AP Images.]
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