This guy messed with the wrong housewife.
Nicollette Sheridan has decided to sue the creator of Desperate Housewives, Marc Cherry, for wrongful termination, gender violence and assault and battery!
That's right! The tool actually had the nerve to strike Nicollette across the face! Ass!
According to the legal documents, Nicollette claims that the Desperate creator created a [...]
This guy messed with the wrong housewife.
Nicollette Sheridan has decided to sue the creator of Desperate Housewives, Marc Cherry, for wrongful termination, gender violence and assault and battery!
That's right! The tool actually had the nerve to strike Nicollette across the face! Ass!
According to the legal documents, Nicollette claims that the Desperate creator created a constant hostile environment on set from the very beginning of the show, "behaving in an extremely abusive and aggressive manner toward the individuals who work on the show."
The lawsuit states that during the 5th season, Marc physically assaulted her after she questioned a plot line in a script. The documents state that, "Cherry took her aside and forcefully hit her with his hand across her face and head." Shortly after the attack, he went to her trailer to "beg forgiveness," but it was too late. She claims she immediately reported the incident to ABC.
What kills us the most about this whole thing is that ABC chose to ignore the complaint all together! Nothing was ever done from the studio and Marc was allow to continue is reign of terror on the cast, with his aggressiveness only worsening over time. When he finally just had enough of Nicollette, he killed her off!
Now, she is seeking over $20 million in damages, but what she really should be after is getting his show taken away from him. The suit alleges that Nicollette wasn't the only housewife to be treated so cruelly. Supposedly, Teri Hatcher also went over Marc's head to complain about his behavior, which prompted Marc to exclaim, "I hope Teri Hatcher gets hit by a car and dies."
Ugh! Disgusting! This man would have had nothing if not for this show and the ladies of Wisteria Lane. It sickens us to know that he treated them this way and more so, that the studio did nothing about it.
But we would like to know what took Nicollette so long to step forward with this? Not that she won't have support now, but she would have had a hell of a lot more if she had spilled all the details to Oprah the day after she was fired.
Here's hoping you take the SOB down, bb!
[Image via WENN.]
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