We feel so bad for Lindsay.
After his mysterious accusations this morning, Michael Lohan is once again on the attack!
In order to end the war with his ex Dina, Ali and Lindsay, Michael is asking them to have a private meeting. And if they don't, he's threatening to release over 100 recorded conversations with [...]
We feel so bad for Lindsay.
After his mysterious accusations this morning, Michael Lohan is once again on the attack!
In order to end the war with his ex Dina, Ali and Lindsay, Michael is asking them to have a private meeting. And if they don't, he's threatening to release over 100 recorded conversations with Dina.
The wackjob says:
“If Dina and Ali sit down with me and our lawyers, I’ll handle things in private. But if she refuses, then I’m going to go to Child Protective Services in New York and I’ll take Dina to court for other reasons.
If Dina continues to talk and say these things, I’ll release all the tapes. I’ll release every last conversation with Dina and let me tell you, they’re not good.
From the very beginning, I wanted no part of Lindsay’s finances. If anyone did it was Dina and she took her to the bank. Dina’s been taking commissions for years. I never took one red cent.
I’m not a 3-time felon. I never robbed anyone. I went to jail for criminal contempt. Dina must be talking about her brother Paul who just got out of jail for robbing a 9/11 fund for over one million dollars.”
Lindsay never had a restraining order against me. You can look it up. Dina and her family have one against me because I beat up her (relative) for smoking crack cocaine at my son’s first communion party. Our life was fine and we were a close-knit family until Dina and I broke up. It was after our divorce that Dina began to distance Lindsay and my other three children from me.
She is delusional, she needs help. All I ever wanted was to sit down with Dina and help our children together, first.
If Dina wants to persist with the lies, denials and false accusations, I WILL release every one of the over 100 tapes I have of her stating the exact opposite of what she has been saying about Me and Lindsay.
Bottom line is, this is and was about getting Lindsay help and providing Ali with a normal schooling and guidance. Dina has violated these things and more. But if Dina is willing to sit down and work with me to correct the things that need to be corrected, this all stops.
But if she doesn't and she continues to lie about me and the situation, I will report her to Child Protective services, take her to court for everything I can and I will prove every one of her lies and her family members for what they are."
How have they not gotten a restraining order yet?! Get on that!
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