Wow - does he even make movies that he actually ends up liking?
Shia LaBeouf, who recently acknowledged how hard his last film, Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen, sucked, is now speaking out about one of his other giant missteps - the shiteous fourth Indiana Jones movie!
He said:
"I feel like I dropped the ball on [...]
Wow - does he even make movies that he actually ends up liking?
Shia LaBeouf, who recently acknowledged how hard his last film, Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen, sucked, is now speaking out about one of his other giant missteps - the shiteous fourth Indiana Jones movie!
He said:
"I feel like I dropped the ball on the legacy that people loved and cherished. If I was going to do it twice, my career was over. So this was fight-or-flight for me. You get to monkey-swinging and things like that and you can blame it on the writer and you can blame it on Steven [Spielberg, who directed]. But the actor's job is to make it come alive and make it work, and I couldn't do it. So that's my fault. Simple. I think the audience is pretty intelligent. I think they know when you've made…And I think if you don't acknowledge it, then why do they trust you the next time you're promoting a movie. We [Harrison Ford and LaBeouf] had major discussions. He wasn't happy with it either. Look, the movie could have been updated. There was a reason it wasn't universally accepted. We need to be able to satiate the appetite. I think we just misinterpreted what we were trying to satiate. I'll probably get a call. But he needs to hear this. I love him. I love Steven. I have a relationship with Steven that supersedes our business work. And believe me, I talk to him often enough to know that I'm not out of line. And I would never disrespect the man. I think he's a genius, and he's given me my whole life. He's done so much great work that there's no need for him to feel vulnerable about one film. But when you drop the ball, you drop the ball."
Wow! Pretty serious digs at Spielberg!
But he does put quite a bit of the blame on himself!
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