
Shaki Meets With The Pres!

For a great cause!
Shakira met with President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden to discuss early childhood development and universal healthcare.
They will also be meeting again next week to discuss specific ideas for the Hispanic community in terms of early childhood development programs.
YES! The Colombian singer says:

“It was such a privilege [...]


For a great cause!

Shakira met with President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden to discuss early childhood development and universal healthcare.

They will also be meeting again next week to discuss specific ideas for the Hispanic community in terms of early childhood development programs.

YES! The Colombian singer says:

“It was such a privilege to sit down with the President in the Oval Office to discuss our shared commitment to education and early childhood development. We agreed that investing in our children is the smartest strategy governments can use to boost economic growth, fight poverty, and promote global security and peace.

"We will be working closely with the President and his staff to implement his vision—for Latinos, children in the United States, and around the world."

Just another reason to love Shaki!

[Image via WENN.]

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