
Is This The Best Idea They Have?

While attending the premiere of My Own Love Song, Renée Zelleweger was apparently thrilled with the much speculated story for the third Bridget Jones movie, and basically gave her blessing for it to happen!
Rumors have been circulating that the plot, if to be developed, would involve Bridget getting knocked up after sleeping with both [...]



While attending the premiere of My Own Love Song, Renée Zelleweger was apparently thrilled with the much speculated story for the third Bridget Jones movie, and basically gave her blessing for it to happen!

Rumors have been circulating that the plot, if to be developed, would involve Bridget getting knocked up after sleeping with both Mr. Darcy and Daniel Cleaver only days apart from the other, and on a mission to figure out whose child it is!

WTF?? That sounds AWFUL!

Apparently, Squishy was all about it though! She said:

“Sounds good! Sounds good! Who told you that? How do you know? Oh you know Helen Fielding? You talked to Helen Fielding! I need to talk to Helen Fielding!”

The first one was great, the second was passable - but another one?

What do U think?? Would U watch a third film with THAT as a plot??

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