
Selena Is Not A Twilight Fan Either!

Is it a Disney thing?
First it was Miley Cyrus who spoke out about her jealousy dislike for the Twilight flicks, stating she's not a fan and doesn't like vampires or werewolves.
You know, cuz vampires and wolves are so far fetched from fairies right Miley? You know about fairies, right? Like the fairy movie you [...]


Is it a Disney thing?

First it was Miley Cyrus who spoke out about her jealousy dislike for the Twilight flicks, stating she's not a fan and doesn't like vampires or werewolves.

You know, cuz vampires and wolves are so far fetched from fairies right Miley? You know about fairies, right? Like the fairy movie you signed up to do this past summer based on the novel Wings.

Just sayin'.

But now it's cutie Selena Gomez who's bashing the Twilight franchise.

During an interview on Bonnie Hunt's show, Selena admits, “I don’t watch them. Sorry, I feel bad … even though I am a teenager.”

This couldn't have something to do with the fact that her ex-boyfriend, Taylor Lautner, is in the flick, could it?

We're guessing not, since when asked if she was Team Edward or Team Jacob, she chose Jacob.

Oh, and in case you didn't know, Selena stars on the hit Disney show Wizards of Waverly Place. You know, the one about witches which guest stars some vampires.

But either way, what is it with the Disney stars hating on Twilight?

[Image via WENN.]

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